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Level On Finn Ice 1-25 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-25

Today we post the last advent walkthrough for level 1-25 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). It isn't a difficult level, despite the fact that is the last level of the episode.

First you must fire Chuck (the Yellow Bird) to the wooden platforms hanging from the rocks, in a way you could kill all the pigs of the platforms. Remember to activate its effect almost immediately after firing it:
 Chuck's trajectory

After that, use the first Bubbles (the Orange Bird) and fire it rightmost (to the zone where the King Pig is) in a way you can kill this pig and remove some items of the zone.

Also, use Tony (the Big Blue Bird) in the same way, removing the stuff from the middle of the level and killing also the pigs of this zone. Avoid to use its "smash" effect.

Finally, use the second Bubbles to destroy the remaining pigs of the level, also using its effect:
Second Bubbles' trajectory

If it's done correctly, you will get 10,000 extra points from the remaining Blue Bird

You need to have at least 155,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 155,360 in our best chance). 

Thanks for following all our walkthroughs for levels of episode On Finn Ice, hoping you have had a great guide to get the three stars. Angry Birds Nation wishes you very happy holidays!!!

Level On Finn Ice 1-24 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-24

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-24 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). As the traditional final levels of every episode, the difficulty is bigger, and you will have to do a better efford to obtain the 3 stars.

First you need to fire the first Blue Birds across the first series of Christmas lights, trying to target the central zone of the ice structure. Make sure to divide the Birds when they pass the first tower:
First Blues' trajectory

Normally you will kill all the pigs of the central zone of the ice structure. You may also one or two additional pigs.

After that, fire Chuck (the Yellow Bird) towards the big ice rock from the right part of the level. You will kill the pigs from the wooden structure and the adjacent pig on the ice structure:
Chuck's trajectory

Finally, the remaining pig you can kill it with Tony (the Big Blue Bird), but you need to fire it across the tower to destroy the ice and obtain a great amount of points. Avoid using its effect for this time.
Also use the second Blue Birds to increase the amount of points for the level, using them to destroy additional stuff of the level:
Second Blues' trajectory

You need to have at least 103,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 112,340 in our best chance).

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Angry Birds Nation!!!

Level On Finn Ice 1-23 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-23

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-23 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). In this level is really easy to obtain the 3 stars, even in normal circumstances you will reach the the 3 stars.

The main thing you have to do is to fire the Red Bird into the bottom left corner of the first tower made of speakers:
Red's trajectory

After that, and depending on the remaining pigs, you must use Chuck (the Yellow Bird) and, if some pig of the stage zone survived, kill it with that bird. If not, use it to kill the last remaining pigs of the bottom.

Also if you haven't reached all the pigs of the level you can use both Tony (the Big Blue Bird, with or without its effect) and Terence (the Big Red Bird) to kill the remaining pigs and you will still obtaining the 3 stars, obviously destroying a reasonable amount of stuff of the level.

You need at least 137,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 143,830 in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-22 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-22

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-22 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). In this level is easy to get the 3 stars, with some luck of course.

You need to fire the first Bubbles (Orange Bird) directly into the zone of the tower made of wooden squares. You must activate its effect to remove the pigs of the area. Depending on the zone where the bird arrives, and the zone where the effect is activated is the amount of pigs that are going to die. Normally all the pigs of the zone will die, with the exception of the pig on the car.

After that, with the second Bubbles, you have many possibilities. You need to fire it to the depression with snow, trying to detonate the TNT and also trying to reach all the pigs of the area. In some rare occasions you may kill all the pigs of the level through chain reactions:
Second Bubbles' trajectory (first case)

Normally you will need the third Bubbles to kill the pig in the car. If you don't reach the 3 stars at this point, you will need to repeat the level:
Second Bubbles' trajectory (second case)

Depending on your case, you will have 10,000 or 20,000 extra points from the remaining birds.

You need to have at least 130,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 141,230 in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-21 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-21

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-21 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). The level is not very difficult, but it can take some attemps to reach the 3 stars.

You have to begin firing the first Bubbles (the Orange Bird) towards the upper left corner of the house, hitting the wooden ceiling of the house. You have to activate the birds' effect inside the house, trying to destroy the two pigs inside, and the little pig on the left.

After that, the second part is a little bit complicated. You need to fire the second Orange Bird through the part between the lumberjack pig and the two pigs below the planks:
Second Bubbles' trajectory

If you do it correctly, you will kill all the pigs and, also, you will get 10,000 extra points from the unused Red Bird.

You need to have at least 62,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 64,930 in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-20 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-20

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-20 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). This level is very, very hard even to pass. It take us a lot of time to reach the 3 stars.

The first thing you must do is to fire the first Red Bird towards the lower left corner of the block platform. Make sure to pull down the structure of the front. You may kill some pigs with this action.

After that, fire the second Red Bird towards the structure where the pig with a wrench is found. You have to target the clay-like (or light brown) squares. This action should kill the pig with a wrench:
Second Red's trajectory

Next, you have to fire Terence (the Big Red Bird) and you need to make it fly low in a way it reaches the pig with sunglasses and the two little pigs, also you need to do this to reach and kill the pig underwater. Sometimes it might kill also the pig on the ice platform, but normally you will need the next bird to pass the level, and reach the 3 stars.

If it's necessary, you need to use Tony to kill the last pig (the one on the ice platform). You need to fire them to the water zone and wait the bird hits the ice platform where the pig is found:
Tony's trajectory

You need to have at least 70,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 70,450 in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-19 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-19

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-19 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). Reaching the 3 stars is very easy in this level.

Basically, you only have to fire Bomb (the Black Bird) towards the upper part of the main structure, avoiding to hit the zone of the floating platform. The usage of its effect followed by a chain reaction will kill, in most cases, all the pigs of the level:
Bomb's trajectory

Sometimes, the pig on the floating platform may survive. All you have to do is to use Terence (the Big Red Bird) to kill it.

You need to have at least 105,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 122,160 in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-18 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-18

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-18 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). The level can be passed easily but you must destroy some extra stuff of the level to reach the 3 stars.

First you must fire Stella (the Pink Bird) directly to the snowy tree and activate its bubble effect, with this you will remove the tree from the road and you will kill the Helmet Pig hanging from the rope:
Stella's trajectory

After this, launch Chuck (the Yellow Bird) directly to the zone where the boiler is (or at least near of it), it is not necessary to detonate the boiler to kill the two pigs, but it's easier to do it in that way:
Chuck's trajectory

Finally, you need to use either the Red Bird or Tony (the Big Blue Bird) to destroy the remaining Helmet Pig, firing one (or both) of them in a very high angle, as we show you on the image below. You can use the smash effect of Tony if you needed:
Red's/Tony's trajectory

You need at least 71,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 81,110 in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-17 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-17

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-17 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). This level is very easy to pass and you won't need much effort to obtain the 3 stars.

The first thing you must do is to fire the Blue Birds above the lights. You must divide the birds almost immediately. One of the birds will be wasted:
Blue Birds' trajectory

The results of the tactic may vary, in our case we destroy almost all the pigs of the level, but sometimes different pigs could survive. You can use Chuck (the Yellow Bird) to destroy them, targeting to the zone where the pigs are found. In our case we use it to hit some stuff and increase our score.

Finally, use Tony (the Big Blue Bird) to kill the remaining pig/pigs firing it in the same way as the Blue Bird and using its smash effect to remove any remaining pig:
Tony's trajectory

You will have 10,000 extra points for the remaining pig, and this normally will be enough for reaching the 3 stars.
You need at least 100,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 119,400 in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-16 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-16

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-16 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). For this level you need to use all the available birds to get the 3 stars.

First you have to fire Tony (the Big Blue Bird) towards the pig on the snow mountain, like we show you on the image below:
First Tony's trajectory

After that, use the second Tony and launch it above the main structure, and, with its effect, smash the zone where the boiler is. This action has to kill the Moustache Pig (and any remaining pig of the area).

Following, you have to fire the first Red Bird to the remaining stuff of the structure to increase the score, and necessary to reach the 3 stars (as we show you on the second image below):
First Red's trajectory

At this point, normally you have the enough score to reach the 3 stars, but one pig is still remaining. In this part, all you have to do is fire the second Red Bird towards the last pig.

You must have at least 128,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 133,830 in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-15 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-15

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-15 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). This level is very, very easy. You won't need much time to reach the 3 stars.

The first thing you will do is to fire Hal (the Green Boomerang Bird) directly to the rock squares in front of the slingshot. You will kill the King Pig, the pig hanging from the fishing rod, and the three pigs floating on the water.

After that, you need to fire Terence (the Big Red Bird) directly to the zone of the Moustache/Foreman Pig, hitting the wooden structure and killing the three pigs of the area.

Finally, use Stella (with or without its effect) to kill the remaining pig of the bottom. Normally it will be enough to reach the 3 stars.

You need to have at least 91,000 points to reach the 3 stars. (we got 95,130 in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-14 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-14

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-14 of episode On Finn Ice. The tactic to reach the 3 stars in the level is easy to execute.

First you have to launch the first Stella (the Pink Bird) above the first two pigs with parachute (the red-nosed and the moustache/foreman pig), as shown on the image below. You have to activate its effect in this moment to kill the pigs:

First Stella's trajectory

If you are lucky, you will kill all the pigs in the upper zone of the level (on the platform, hanging on a rope, or supported by a parachute).

After that, and finally, use the second Stella and fire it to the middle of the two remaining pigs of the bottom. When the bird arrives to the zone, activate its effect. With this action both pigs must die, and also the following actions must kill the remaining pig on the underside part of the level.

You need at least 110,000 to reach the 3 stars (we got 117,440 points in our best chance).

Level On Finn Ice 1-13 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-13

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-13 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). The level is easier than previous ones.

First you have to fire the Blue Birds to the red-nosed pigs in the upper part of the level. You have to divide the blue Birds before shooting the first pig, like we show you below:

With some luck, you will kill all the red-nosed pigs and the pig on the sleigh. Also if you are lucky you may kill the two small pigs on the tree and the pig with the axe. Sometimes one of these pigs will survive, don't worry, you can kill it with some of the next usable birds.

After that, launch Tony (the Big Blue Bird) and, with its effect, smash the boiler at the bottom of the wooden structure. If it's done correctly, you will kill all the birds of the zone.
NOTE: You have to avoid shooting one of the wooden squares with an ice cube inside.

The last part is to use Chuck (the Yellow Bird) to remove any remaining pig of the level. Depending on your luck, you must change the trajectory of the bird to kill the different remaining pigs (it could be one of the upper pigs, the pig with axe or the small pigs on the tree).

You need to have at least 110,000 (aprox.) or more to reach the 3 stars (we got 129,490).

Level On Finn Ice 1-12 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots


On Finn Ice 1-12

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-12 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons).

First you have to fire Matilda (the White Bird) over the floating reindeer-like structure, and launch its egg. The action will shell the snowy upper zone and Matilda has to kill (with her corpse) the red-nosed pig on the top (like on the image below):

After that, use Bubbles (the Orange Bird) and fire it in a way that lands in the middle of the pigs of the upper zone of the level (the small pig and the moustache/foreman pig) and use Bubbles' effect to inflate its body and following killing both pigs of the top and the two pigs below (sometimes one of the pigs can survive, it is nothing to be worried about).

Finally, use Tony (the Big Blue Bird) and make it fly very low: 

Tony will kill any remaining pig of the level and will remove some stuff that will give you extra points, alongside with 10,000 points from the unused bird.

You need to have at least 118,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 126,520).


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