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Level On Finn Ice 1-17 (Seasons) 3-star walkthrough & screenshots

On Finn Ice 1-17

Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-17 of episode On Finn Ice (Angry Birds Seasons). This level is very easy to pass and you won't need much effort to obtain the 3 stars.

The first thing you must do is to fire the Blue Birds above the lights. You must divide the birds almost immediately. One of the birds will be wasted:
Blue Birds' trajectory

The results of the tactic may vary, in our case we destroy almost all the pigs of the level, but sometimes different pigs could survive. You can use Chuck (the Yellow Bird) to destroy them, targeting to the zone where the pigs are found. In our case we use it to hit some stuff and increase our score.

Finally, use Tony (the Big Blue Bird) to kill the remaining pig/pigs firing it in the same way as the Blue Bird and using its smash effect to remove any remaining pig:
Tony's trajectory

You will have 10,000 extra points for the remaining pig, and this normally will be enough for reaching the 3 stars.
You need at least 100,000 points to reach the 3 stars (we got 119,400 in our best chance).


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