On Finn Ice 1-14
Today we post the walkthrough for level 1-14 of episode On Finn Ice. The tactic to reach the 3 stars in the level is easy to execute.
First you have to launch the first Stella (the Pink Bird) above the first two pigs with parachute (the red-nosed and the moustache/foreman pig), as shown on the image below. You have to activate its effect in this moment to kill the pigs:
First Stella's trajectory
If you are lucky, you will kill all the pigs in the upper zone of the level (on the platform, hanging on a rope, or supported by a parachute).
After that, and finally, use the second Stella and fire it to the middle of the two remaining pigs of the bottom. When the bird arrives to the zone, activate its effect. With this action both pigs must die, and also the following actions must kill the remaining pig on the underside part of the level.
You need at least 110,000 to reach the 3 stars (we got 117,440 points in our best chance).
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